Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Salzburg our last day in Europe.

The amazing view from the back side of the castle where Penni and I had lunch. This was taken from our table.

I took this shot from the castle looking down on the city. This is the same castle you see in the background several time if you watch The Sound of Music.

There were several musicians preforming on the street that day. These two were amazing! I'll try to post a short video clip so you can see for yourselves.

View from down town Salzburg.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Füssen to see Nueschwanstein Castle

Ever wonder where Disney got the idea for his logo? We found it! The real thing.

Mad King Ludwig's castle Nueschwanstein. He really was not mad, just wierd. :)

The train ride to Füssen.

I actually took this picture from the window of our room. 15 second time exposure out the window. I knew there was a reason I brought my tripod.

Penni and I freezing at the castle.


Cold and snowing in down town Münich's Market Square. Yet people are still shopping. See, they are not that much different than us.

Penni navigating the trains. I would have been really lost without her. And a little side note to all of those people who actually believe their travel agent when they say not to travel second class on the trains in Europe because you will be stuck with a bunch of dirty people carrying chickens; this is a picture of a typical second class train car (notice no chickens).

Münich is just a big city like New York with lots of people. (and shopping... wonder why Penni wanted to come here?)

One of the many old churches in Münich.

Luzern to Rothenburg

A picture from the train on the way to Münich.

The Wall around Rothenburg.

Hey, a picture of me in full back. These are the stairs leading up to the top of the wall.

Another shot from the streets of Rothenburg.

View just down from our room. There are many paintings of this spot.

This is from the far end of Rothenburg looking back on the village. You can see te snow storm in the distance.

Penni made a new friend too.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

From Münich

Hello everyone,

Not able to post pictures from this cafe, but I do have a lot from the last few days. Stay tuned...


Sunday, April 02, 2006

Luzern, Pfaefers, and Wartenstein

It really doesn't get much more beautiful than this.

Andy Kradolfer showing us around Pfaefers after one of the best meals in Switzerland with the most amazing view.

A better view through the window from our table.

This was our table Schloss Wartenstein Restaurant. Check out that view.

Back from church with the Kradolfers.

Lion monument in Luzern.

The bridge in Luzern.

Just one of thousands of beautiful views on the way to Luzern.

Day Three: Locarno, Bellinzona, and Lavertezzo

The castle at Bellinzona.

The bridge at Lavertezzo.

This was the most amazing place. No words could ever express the view.

Pictures from Locarno

At the end of the day enjoying the view at the lake.

My new friend the monk from Madona Del Saso Church just up the mountain from Locarno.

The street market next to our hotel on the Piazza Grande.


Day two: Locarno was amazing. There was a street market in the Piazza Grande where we browsed for a few hours. Afterwards, we took a cogwheel train up to the Madonna del Sasso which is a church that was built in the 1420's on the site where a monk said Mary came to him in a vision. The view from the church was beyond words! When we came back down, we walked around in the narrow streets and alleys of the very Italian city, had dinner, and then walked around the lake. All in all a wonderful day! :D

Thursday, March 30, 2006

More from Lugano

Everywhere is a panoramic view. That is Italy in the far back.

Streets of Lugano.

The view from Mt. Bre. We did a lot of hiking around. After waiting for what seemed like forever at a restaurant we finally got some food and the went to our room to pass out.


Hello from Lugano. Penni and I arrived after a very long flight and then had a 3 hour train ride to Logano. Switzerland is very beautiful.

Shots from the train.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Rüeggs in Europe Trip Schedule

Here is the schedule for our trip:
Tuesday 3/28 fly to Zürich
Wednesday 3/29 land in Zürich
*take train to Lugano
*visit old churches in area
*take gondola up to Mount Bre
Thursday 3/30 take train to Bellinzona to see castles
*visit Locarno and take gondola up for great view
*market on the Piazza Grande
Friday 3/31 take bus up to Lavertezzo in the Verzasca Valley
*hike to Corippo
*train to Luzern
Saturday 4/1 meet up with Kradalfers and take cable car to top of Mt. Pilatus
Sunday 4/2 have lunch at restaurant w/ view of mountain castle
Monday 4/3 travel to Rothenburg (medieval walled city)
Tuesday 4/4 travel to München
Wednesday 4/5 spend day seeing sights of München
Thursday 4/6 travel to Füssen to see Nueschwanstein Castle
*gondola to Tegelburg. Luge down
Friday 4/7 travel back to München and see sights
Saturday 4/8 travel to Salzburg
Sunday 4/9 fly home...long 20hour and 45minute flight.